Tag: St. John’s-wort



September is a great time to get out and enjoy the out of doors in West Michigan. The temperatures are more comfortable than they have been during the summer and pesky insects are not as numerous. Colors are becoming more vibrant as the trees begin to turn colors and late season flowers kick into high gear. I recently spent a morning in the Allegan State Game area near Allegan, Michigan. As I traversed the roads, preferring to stick to as many gravel roads as possible, there was much to see. One stop to check out a Pin Oak tree also yielded a substantial patch of Prickly Pear Cactus and a Buckeye Butterfly plus numerous birds. Along the roads were Great Blue Lobelias, Bidens, Big Bluestem grasses, native sunflowers, wild turkeys and much more.

Eli Lake

Eli Lake

I revisited Eli Lake, a place I had not been since on a camping trip with a boys group from church as a young boy. Eli is a small, but beautiful lake. Like so many other lakes this year, it is low from the drought. The low water levels however expose a deferent flora and give easy access to some very interesting sights. As you begin to walk the reed lined shore, the Green Frogs squeak and jump for the water by the dozens. If you watch where they land, you may find them quietly sitting in the water. Enormous groups off Water Boatmen beetles swirl on the surface of the lake like little black boats stuck going in circles. In the shallow water at the edges are the pink flowers for Bladderworts and the white Pipeworts, and a little further out are white water lilies. Bog plants such as Sundew, Laurels and Cranberry can be found along the edges. Also along the edges are a St. John’s –wort new  to me, I have narrowed it down to 2 possible species but need more work to be sure which one it is. The Bladderworts with their bladders under water and the sticky pads of the Sundew are both waiting to capture insects for nourishment. Tupelo trees are beginning to turn to their brilliant fall red color which contrasts brilliantly with the surround green foliage of other trees and shrubs. Above the high water level of the bank before the trees look for large areas of ferns and marsh St. John’s -wort. In the open shade between the parking area and the beach were violets.

Sometimes the close by home public lands and parks are the best places to visit and explore. West Michigan offers many great opportunities. If you live here or are visiting, take advantage of our rich natural areas on publicly owned lands.

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