Tag: Allegan Game Area

Prairies and Fields Blooming

Frost Weed

Frost Weed

We normally think of prairies in mid to late summer as the tall grasses and larger showier flowers come to life, but there is much beauty to be taken in now in the prairies and savannahs. While in some prairie/savannah areas of the Allegan State Game Area I found several brilliantly colored Puccoons blooming. The Hairy Beard-Tongue, Frost Weeds and many more are blooming as the Lupines begin to wind down.

Field Sparrow Nest

Field Sparrow Nest

While walking and photographing I also saw several butterflies, including a Giant Swallowtail. The number of species of butterflies was encouraging after a light year last year. The number of butterflies was not huge, but encouraging. I also saw many larvae on various plants.  After careful observation when a Field Sparrow flew out the grass in front of me, I was able to find the nest with eggs in it. Did you know that a Blue Racer will vibrate its tail in the grass to mimic a rattlesnake? I didn’t know this and it is the second none venomous snake I have seen do this to ward off predators.

Don’t wait for the heat of summer to enjoy visiting the prairies, head out now and add a whole new list of prairie plants to you experience.

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Learn To Look

Marsh Marigold Seed Pod

Marsh Marigold Seed Pod

In a talk I gave this past March at the Wildflower Association of Michigan’s annual conference, I talked about being a Naturalist. One of the things I focused on to help us see the world around us better was to look for what is different or out of place to us. As our eyes and mind get used to and expects to see certain things in certain environments we need to look for what is not so familiar to find new and exciting things. Look for colors or shapes you may not be familiar with or readily recognize and take time to explore them. You’ll be amazed at what you are missing in the world around you and you might be surprised as to how many species new to you that you’ll find. As a naturalist who is familiar with many species of plants and birds, I am always excited to find something new to me and the rarer the better. While the Marsh Marigold seed pod above is not uncommon to me I can see artist patterns in them and a different beauty than the yellow flowers of early spring. I am including this in the flower identification section as some may find it and think that it is a blooming flower.

Mutated Wild Geranium

Mutated Wild Geranium

While in the Hudsonville Nature Center I noticed some different Wild Geraniums. Upon further examination, I found two different mutated petals. The one is not very different but was a little smaller, almost waxy looking and white in color. The other one was obviously different. It had narrow greenish with pink petals, not the showy pink we now this plant for.

Rock Sandwort

Another find came as I was driving through part of the Allegan State Game Area looking for flowers to photograph. I noticed several large clumps of long basal leaves in a clearing. They looked like American Columbo, a long lived plant that fascinates me. Upon further investigation I was correct and there were several plants, including a few which are sending up flowering stems. In with the Columbo I also found a new plant for me, Rock Sandwort. It is a very delicate looking plant with small, dainty white flowers. I also noticed a different group of plants along the road in the woods and yes another new one for me, Figwort. The plant almost resembles Stinging Nettle at first glance, but has whorls of curious looking brown and green flowers. Figwort likes road edges and openings in the woods.



So remember keep your eyes open and pay attention, especially for things that look different to you.

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September is a great time to get out and enjoy the out of doors in West Michigan. The temperatures are more comfortable than they have been during the summer and pesky insects are not as numerous. Colors are becoming more vibrant as the trees begin to turn colors and late season flowers kick into high gear. I recently spent a morning in the Allegan State Game area near Allegan, Michigan. As I traversed the roads, preferring to stick to as many gravel roads as possible, there was much to see. One stop to check out a Pin Oak tree also yielded a substantial patch of Prickly Pear Cactus and a Buckeye Butterfly plus numerous birds. Along the roads were Great Blue Lobelias, Bidens, Big Bluestem grasses, native sunflowers, wild turkeys and much more.

Eli Lake

Eli Lake

I revisited Eli Lake, a place I had not been since on a camping trip with a boys group from church as a young boy. Eli is a small, but beautiful lake. Like so many other lakes this year, it is low from the drought. The low water levels however expose a deferent flora and give easy access to some very interesting sights. As you begin to walk the reed lined shore, the Green Frogs squeak and jump for the water by the dozens. If you watch where they land, you may find them quietly sitting in the water. Enormous groups off Water Boatmen beetles swirl on the surface of the lake like little black boats stuck going in circles. In the shallow water at the edges are the pink flowers for Bladderworts and the white Pipeworts, and a little further out are white water lilies. Bog plants such as Sundew, Laurels and Cranberry can be found along the edges. Also along the edges are a St. John’s –wort new  to me, I have narrowed it down to 2 possible species but need more work to be sure which one it is. The Bladderworts with their bladders under water and the sticky pads of the Sundew are both waiting to capture insects for nourishment. Tupelo trees are beginning to turn to their brilliant fall red color which contrasts brilliantly with the surround green foliage of other trees and shrubs. Above the high water level of the bank before the trees look for large areas of ferns and marsh St. John’s -wort. In the open shade between the parking area and the beach were violets.

Sometimes the close by home public lands and parks are the best places to visit and explore. West Michigan offers many great opportunities. If you live here or are visiting, take advantage of our rich natural areas on publicly owned lands.

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